Thursday, June 16, 2011

Water Shots

ISO: 200
Exposure: f/4
Shutter: 1/40
Focal: 17

Exposure: f/11
Shutter: .3s
Focal: 40mm

I took both of these ones when it was monsooning at my apartment. I always liked the way the puddle behind the building is formed whenever there's precipitation.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Ubay - Water Shot 2

Here's another shot from the Hyatt. I just posted up on top of the water and shot straight down into the algae-tainted pool.

ISO: 400
Exposure: f/11
Shutter: 1/400

Ubay - Water Shot 1

Well, I thought the water shot would be pretty easy, but the ocean hasn't been so photogenic, and it hasn't been dumping rain lately, sort of just drizzling. However, I was in Waikiki and saw this fake waterfall at the Hyatt. I took a few shots from a different angle, but this one seemed to work the best, framing it using whatever was around.

ISO: 400
Exposure: f/11
Shutter: 1/2000

Monday, July 12, 2010

Joe - Night Shot

I've been feeling like a failure lately. But what else can you do but try to be creative. This is me trying to be creative. And me trying to get out of this rut.

Hope you guys like.

ISO: 600
Exposure: f/22
Shutter: 32 sec
Focal: 200mm

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tiffany's Night Shot

Once again, I'm super late in posting my photo. I took this night shot on my recent Vegas trip. It's from the top level of a shopping center parking garage, which I realized, provides a pretty snazzy view of the part of the Strip.

ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1.6
Focal length: 54mm

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ubay - Night Shot

Whoops, I completely blanked on this one. Maybe I should program these deadlines into my Google Calendar...

Anyways, I was planning on uploading one very similar to Matt's Picasso vendor, but I thought I'd mix it up. This steel drummer played outside the International Market Place in Waikiki, and his shirt lit up like the bars on an audio monitor. (I just tried Googling it, but I came up with nothing. So if you someone can educate my ignorance of musical and audio devices, it'd be much appreciated.) I found this guy the most legitimately entertaining street performer on the block, so I gave him a dollar for dealing with the constant shutter clicks.

ISO: 400
Exposure: f/1.8
Shutter: 1/20
Focal length: 50mm

Matt's Night Shot

I know we've all been busy and missed the deadline (worst journalists' ever!), but that doesn't mean we should give up!

I grabbed this shot on a field trip into Waikiki with Tiff and Jason. I can't imagine a street vendor more out of place than this one, especially since the majority of them are further down the street in the International Market Place.