Sorry folks, no tsunami texture photo. But how did I get this photo? For some reason, I was walking barefoot on gravel. Then I looked down and thought, "Hey, this could make a nice texture shot." And there you go.
This is part of the aging fence that surrounds the Iolani Palace grounds. The rust and the ornate shapes on this post caught my eye and I went in for a closer look. Did you know that the palace used to have manicured gardens? I just learned that—and thought I'd share.
This week's challenge is on TEXTURE! Oh shnap! Flashbacks of intro to photog. This is what it's about: it can be of anything as long as some sort of texture (rough, smooth, contrasting textures of shadow and light, etc.) takes up 50% of the pic. So get in close to your subjects and show us what they're made of. You don't have to get in close. I just wanted to sound clever.
I was trying to be economical and shoot around the apartment again because my laziness is a disease. After many failed attempts at capturing color, especially red, I came up with this. It's the inside of my BRAIN. I used a macro lens … Alright, I'm kidding. It's just a photo of my roommate's knitted blanket.
This red lei hanging from the wrist of Queen Liliuokalani caught my eye walking to work one morning. This statue stands in the front of the state capitol and is adorned with lei on a regular basis.
This week's shot is all about color! And the color is red. It can be whatever catches your eye as long as something red is the focal point. So get creative, amazing colors are all around us, just sitting there, waiting for you and your camera. The due date is Tues., Feb. 16.
It's July 2011, and we're back with photo challenges! This time around, we're going for one challenge a month and each of us can turn in up to 5 photos. For July's challenge, I chose water because it's been raining. In July. Just stop already! But I guess that's what make the aina green. - Jason
Aloha and welcome to HI Shots!
Hey everyone. I thought I'd kick things off on our new website where my friends Tiffany, Jason, Joe and I will be posting our works on a regular basis. Join us as we grow in our photographic skills through constructive feedback, weekly challenges and awesome artistic skills that we all bring to the table. If you are a visitor to our site, please become a subscriber on the RSS feed button on the top left. Thanks for visiting, and aloha from all of us at HI Shots.